Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Weight Training for Beginers II

In the first post on this subject my humble opinion was that you first start with your legs. A quick recap of the reasons are that leg workouts simply boost your testosterone. They help you generate more muscle and the obvious fact that you need more support when you start bulking up (whether lean muscle or massive Ron Pearlman muscle your actual body weight will increase eventually).

On to phase two. So your legs are worked out and soar on day one. Day two should comprise of workouts that target your core. Essentially abs. All your subsequent physical activity will require you to utilise your core strength. Even in retrospect im sure you can think of a million occasions where a a stronger mid section would have done you better. Yes fellas even in bed a stronger core means well.....you'll find out.

Abs are essential not only as a show piece but as a general requirement throughout your lifespan. Forget crunches. Forget ab belts.

evidentally the most difficult to do. U need to hang yourself via a chin up bar. don't swing. lift your legs as high as possible. Stop. Then slowly lower them to starting position. If you can't accomplish this try folding your knees as close to your chest as possible. Stop. Then slowly return to starting position. (best done before your general workout routine, 3 set 10 - 15 reps)

pick a machine you like. ALmost all work the same part. The upper abs. Remember to focus on your abs while doing any ab workout. There is not point in using your shoulders or arms to push down on those weights. Abs are muscles too so in that sense weight training does produce results even on your abs.

Combine these two workouts 3 times a week for optimum results. You will eventually hit a plateau. Thats when you come back for more
